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Why’s My AC Is Not Cooling Down?
Did you know more than 1,300 people die in the United States every year due to extreme heat?
If you live in places like Arizona, you know having reliable AC is more than a matter of comfort and convenience.
One of the most common AC problems is that the unit is running but fails to cool the rooms inside your home. There can be many causes for this.
If you are wondering “Why my AC is not cooling down my home?” keep reading.
The information below will explain the common reasons and related solutions.
Home Air Conditioner Basics
Your home AC has many complex components and systems that all work together to produce cool air.
When one part fails to function properly, your AC cannot do its job.
Most people assume this results in your AC not turning on or blowing.
That can be the case, but there are some very common issues that could lead to your AC running but failing to produce cool air.
Before we get to these, it is important to understand how your AC works.
There are many different types, but most of them share some basic functions.
First, your HVAC system pulls air into ducts and transports it to the main unit, usually located indoors.
Here, the warm air passes over evaporator coils, a closed-loop system filled with refrigerant.
Refrigerant is a compressed chemical solution with a low boiling point.
It absorbs heat energy from the air, leaving cool air to be blown back out throughout your home.
This also causes the refrigerant to change from a liquid to a gas. Your system then recompresses it.
This causes the release of the warm air, which is vented outdoors.
Why My AC Is Not Cooling Down My House
There are several causes for why my AC is not cooling down my house. Here are the main ones to consider.
Low or Leaking Refrigerant
If your refrigerant levels are too low, your AC cannot absorb enough heat from the air.
If all other aspects of the system are working, including the blower, your AC will run without producing cool air.
There are several reasons refrigerant levels can dissipate. As mentioned, it is a closed-loop system, so the most common is some form of leak.
Seals, valves, and connections can degrade over time. Refrigerant lines can experience damage which can lead to leaks.
Low refrigerant levels can result from problems with other AC components as well.
For instance, if evaporator coils become too cold, they could cause refrigerant to freeze, leading to lower levels.
Poor air circulation can cause similar issues with coils and refrigerant levels.
While seemingly minor, these issues should be repaired immediately.
They can cause your system to run almost constantly without cooling your home.
Compressor Problems
The compressor is an important part of your AC system.
As its name suggests, it compresses refrigerant, making it ready to absorb warm air.
If it fails to do so, the refrigerant cannot adequately absorb heat energy.
This means the warm or temperate air your AC unit takes in gets pushed back into your home.
Compressor problems can result from many different issues, including mechanical and electrical ones.
A trained technician can identify these causes and propose suitable solutions.
Electrical Component Failure
Your AC system relies on myriad electrical components to make adjustments to the air in your home.
The most well-known one is your thermostat. It communicates with the rest of the system and tells it what to do.
A thermostat that isn’t calibrated could cause your cooling unit to blow hot air.
First, look at the settings on your thermostat. Check to make sure they are set to “cooling,” especially if it is a smart thermostat that relies on different inputs.
If these all look right, an AC repair technician may need to recalibrate it for you.
Dirty Air Filters
Air filters are designed to catch dirt and debris before the air enters the AC unit.
Over time, the filters accumulate residue and can become clogged. There are several problems this can cause.
One is that it makes your system work harder than it needs to, which can result in an overheated AC.
It can also result in a lack of air being cooled and distributed throughout your home.
How often you should replace air filters depends on the type of filter and your particular AC unit.
In general, changing them out every three to six months is enough.
It also is a good idea to replace them before the summer months, when your AC will be running the most.
Clogged Registers
Similar problems can arise from clogged registers.
These are vents throughout your home designed to intake warm air to be cooled. If they are stopped up, then your system has insufficient air for cooling.
Some registers have their own filters that need to be changed on occasion. The vents themselves can become clogged with dust, dirt, pet hair, or other types of debris.
Also, newly positioned furniture can be the culprit.
If you recently moved larger items like sofas or beds, be sure they are not obstructing registers.
Leaky Ductwork
Your home relies on a system of ducts to move air to and from the main AC unit.
Whenever these are compromised, the cooled air cannot get where it needs to go.
Over time, ducts wear out. They also can experience damage from pests or degrade prematurely due to humidity or water leaks.
Isolated cuts or tears will result in one room or area of the house failing to get cool. Multiple leaks may result in a general inability for your home to cool off.
Fortunately, duct leaks are usually easy to detect. AC technicians can recommend whether repair or replacement is most suitable.
Find Solutions for Air Conditioning Problems Near You
Now that you have some answers to “Why’s my AC is not cooling down my house?”, you can take the appropriate repair steps.
An experienced technician can further assist you in identifying underlying causes and formulating solutions.
Mark Daniels Air Conditioning and Heating provides high-quality AC solutions to Mesa, Scottsdale, Phoenix, and the surrounding areas.
We offer new air conditioner installation, as well as AC maintenance and repair. Contact us today to schedule service.
Looking for a 5-star Apache Junction HVAC company? We’ve got you covered! The team at Mark Daniels Air Conditioning & Heating offers expert maintenance and expert insight to all your HVAC needs across the East Valley. Call (480) 571-7219 or request service online now!